A: It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious. A:这味道有点像汽车里的机油,不过还是很好吃。
Attach positive crankcase ventilation line to the oil mist separator, attach engine compartment temperature sensor. 将曲轴箱强制通风管路连接至油雾分离器,并连接发动机舱温度传感器。
Question: What concentration of additives might be found in typical diesel engine crankcase oil? 问题:在典型的柴油曲柄箱机油中,添加剂的浓度一般是多少?
The test result showed that two of the five additives could react with crankcase oil. 试验结果表明,酸性衍生物类添加剂与润滑油的兼容性不能令人满意。
Crankcase oil foaming test 曲轴箱用油起沫试验
With engine OFF, allow approximately ten minutes for oil to settle to bottom of crankcase, remove engine oil dipstick. 让引擎关闭,等大约10分钟,让机油沉积在曲轴箱的底部,然后卸去引擎机油尺。
Fit crankcase vent line at distributor pipe and oil separator. 安装分配器管上的曲轴箱通风管和机油分离器。
The presence of dispersants and detergents increase the foaming tendency of crankcase oil. 在场的分散剂和洗涤剂增加发泡趋势曲轴箱油。
One of the jobs of PCV system is to remove these crankcase contaminants before the rotating crankshaft mixes them with the oil. PCV系统的作用之一是,在旋转的曲轴把水和液体汽油混合之前,把它们排出曲轴箱。
The dynamic technology ranks the compressors according to the crankcase pressure levels, and return oil is not distributed equally but according to the order based on the ranks. 非平衡并联机技术建立了压缩机回气压力等级,并按等级高低分配回油。
Return oil is equally divided, and uniform crankcase pressure and oil level are purposely kept in equilibration parallel system. 油气平衡式并联技术平均分配回油,并强调气压和油位的平衡。